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Furry Dog


Testimonials: Testimonials

A superb piece of kit for security-minded and naturally nervous dog owners. Simple, solidly constructed, and personalised safety device for those unavoidable situations when your precious one must be left outside shops, surgeries, and other activities we must attend to ( much as we'd prefer not ). Using your own combi-lock code, you can take care of everyday tasks knowing your pooch is safe outside till you return. Gives great peace of mind and deserves the highest recommendation.

Sean K

Testimonials: Testimonials

This dog tie is great. Amazing customer service and would 100% recommend to anyone who wants to feel more secure when leaving their dog. I personally wouldn't leave my dog outside a shop as I know dogs being stolen like that is on the rise, however, I bought it because I've heard that they can bend down and stroke them and unclip their collar. This product would stop this from happening so it would really put your mind at rest. Great product, thank you

Jules Ellis

Testimonials: Testimonials

Amazing product. Fast delivery. Easy to use. Flexibile. Fit even to my little Italian Greyhound. I can leave her in car safe and not worry comming to empty car. Great guide how to use and nice pakege
Thank you a lot!


Two dogs


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